Let the conversations begin |Conversations with the Browns

Our favorite conversations often happen at our kitchen table. We started this podcast as a way of inviting more friends to the table. We do not claim to be experts or even to agree on most things, but we would love for you to join the conversation.

From parenting to cultural issues, we want to create a safe space for more conversations to happen. In a world where a lot of declarations are being made, there doesn't seem to be a lot of room left for people to have honest, face-to-face conversations. That's why we want to invite you into our conversations as we talk about topics together and have guests on the show.

When real conversations happen, we get to know people and their stories better. We encourage you to become a part of a conversation today. Conversations can start in your own home or with your neighbors.

You can also join us by asking questions, commenting, or suggesting topics. Join the conversation today.

Call or text our 24-hour feedback phone at 530-535-8121.

Submit a topic for a conversation - https://forms.gle/actLkkKrEHP7pNMZ9 

Make more connections with us at https://linktr.ee/lifewiththebrowns


More Conversations and Less Declarations | Conversations With the Browns


Resources for encouraging reading