Quick Pickled Carrots & Onions

A quick way to pickle any kind of vegetable. This pickled veggie recipe is more of a method than a recipe.

Here is what I do: You can choose almost any vegetable to pickle for this recipe. Following are my favorite veggies to pickle. ·Carrots: peel them into long ribbons with a vegetable peeler. Shredded is fine too but takes longer to pickle. ·Red onion: slice thin ·Brine: 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon sea salt Pack the veggies tightly into mason jars. Heat the water, vinegar, and salt in a saucepan until the salt is dissolved. Pour hot liquid directly over veggies in jars. Hot liquid works great for onions and carrots. For more delicate veggies, I would cool the liquid first. Let them sit for at least 30 minutes. ·Extras: I like to add thinly sliced ginger or garlic to the carrots, but that is optional.


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